What Sets Us Apart

TRC prides itself on being at the forefront of technological innovation in the sucker rod industry.

Beginning with the proprietary ideas of Bob Payne, we have continuously perfected a groundbreaking process known as shot peening. This advanced technique involves precision strikes on the surface of sucker rods using millions of small steel “shots,” resulting in the formation of a resilient compression layer. Thus, relieving stresses caused by the natural effects of working in the well, shot peening significantly enhances the durability and longevity of the rods. Extensive research has demonstrated the remarkable efficiency of shot peening in extending the useful life of sucker rods.

Kimberlites market research reports consistently show that operators have rated TRC #1 in overall performance, price competitiveness, and likeliness to recommend in the sucker rod industry.

“TRC Services consistently receives customer reviews that are higher than industry average and exhibits customer loyalty as measured by the Net Promoter Score higher than industry norm resulting in increasing market share over the last several years.”

“TRC Services continues to distinguish themselves in the market as a leading provider for inspected/remanufactured sucker rods with performance and quality that is viewed as being better than industry average and competitively positioned as the value-based alternative.”

“TRC Services distinguishes itself in the market with increasing market penetration and market share as the use of inspected/remanufactured rods continues to grow. TRC also consistently receives high performance ratings from their customer reviews for responsiveness, technical support, field service and rod quality.”

TRC's commitment to groundbreaking research and development remains resolute.

We are dedicated to reshaping the artificial lift industry by continually striving to create the most cost-effective and productive products available. In testament to our passion for pushing boundaries, we have successfully obtained many patents for processes developed exclusively by our company.

Since 2011, TRC has been issued 16 patents related to improvements in sucker rods  and optimizing the pumping system. Another 11 patents are currently pending including  improvements in pumping units and gas lift systems. Together, with unwavering dedication and an unyielding commitment to innovation, TRC will continue to shape the future of the industry, pioneering advancements that redefine the limits of what is possible.

Why We Stand Out

Our Industry Position
  • TRC processes more sucker rods than any other company.

  • TRC is the largest purchaser of used steel sucker rods.

  • TRC has the largest sucker rod guiding facility in the United States.

  • TRC is the largest inspector of used fiberglass rods, utilizing our patented process.

  • TRC maintains the largest team of field technicians to supervise rod installations, run fluid levels and dynos, and perform well optimization services.

  • TRC maintains an aggressive research and development budget and has more sucker rod related patents filed and issued over the last twenty years than any competitor.

Our Unique Offerings
  • TRC is the only company that remanufactures gas lift systems.

  • TRC is the only remanufacturer of steel sucker rods. Extensive testing has shown TRC’s reman rods outperform new rods in fatigue life.

  • TRC is the only manufacturer of fiberglass rods in the US that sells an API monogrammed sucker rod and is ISO certified. Our assembly process is patented, and our endfitting has been recognized by an independent third-party expert as having the best loading characteristics in the  industry.

  • TRC is the only company in the industry that provides its customers with certificates recognizing the positive impact they had on the environment by utilizing TRC’s remanufactured products, including their CO2, water and electrical savings.

Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
  • TRC’s single goal is to make certain that you have the right equipment for the right application at the right price, backed by the most extensive and longest warranties in the industry. Tough well conditions demand even greater focus on surface and downhole equipment – and we are here to help.

  • TRC maintains labs in Midland and Oklahoma City which continuously test the performance of each manufacturer’s rods and provide failure analysis for our customers. We routinely provide qualified technical personnel to participate in failure meetings and provide string designs.

  • TRC is not a small part of a large corporation and is not owned by a private equity company that is building the company to be quickly flipped. TRC is owned and managed by industry veterans and is being built to last for generations.


We are a diverse and insightful team that pushes global boundaries.

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