Gallons of Water
Pounds of CO2 Emissions
kWh of Energy
Bob Payne, the founder of Rodco/ICO, and TRC, filed the first patent for the sucker rod inspection process which later issued in 1976. The patent emphasized the use of shot peening. At the time, shot peening was widely criticized for damaging the rods. However, research later proved that shot peening significantly increased the fatigued life of the rods.
TRC was founded in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma by Bob Payne, and a group of industry veterans. The group was formed after realizing there was a great need for an experienced, service-oriented sucker rod company. The company was formed strictly to recondition used rods owned by customers utilizing TRC’s proprietary shot peening process. TRC provided its customers with a written warranty, becoming the first and only company to put a warranty on a used rod.
TRC began providing its customers with Rod String Designs utilizing both RodStar and SRod software. TRC was able to customize each design to utilize its customers’ existing inventory without compromising the performance of the well.
TRC began distributing new sucker rods to its customers. TRC chose to represent a manufacturer who shot peened their new rods at the time.
TRC Services of Texas, Inc. was founded in Midland, Texas to service its customers sucker rod needs in the Permian Basin.
TRC began distributing company owned, used sucker rods at each location, providing its customers with a more cost-effective alternative to new sucker rods when they did not have the rods they needed in their own inventory.
TRC introduced field technicians to its list of services. To ensure optimal life of sucker rods, TRC offered reliable, well-trained technicians to ensure that proper and consistent installation procedures are followed.
TRC began an extensive testing program focused on analyzing and comparing the fatigue life of all the sucker rods available on the market as well as the effectiveness of the shot peened process provided by each supplier. Initially, the tests were performed by third-party companies. In 2009, TRC built the equipment to test sucker rods in-house and has put hundreds of millions of cycles on sucker rods.
TRC added Failure Analysis to its service portfolio. This Analysis can be performed on sucker rods, sucker rod couplings, sinker bars, pony rods, and polished rods. The process is performed by experienced specialists proficient in fracture mechanics utilizing state-of-the-art industrial laboratory equipment.
TRC began manufacturing Fiberflex® fiberglass rods, the only API monogramed fiberglass rods manufactured in the USA. TRC’s goal was to start with the sucker rod that was recognized as the standard in the industry, and through research and development, continually improve the product, ensuring Fiberflex® remains the best fiberglass sucker rod the industry has to offer.
TRC opened a new department which provides well optimization services to its customers, primarily utilizing Echometer equipment. Well analysis provides a clear picture of the many variables that could impact production and potentially help mitigate lost production due to unexpected equipment failures.
TRC built a dual remanufacturing plant on 31-acres in Midland, Texas. TRC shot peening processes were tested and showed enough improvement to start remanufacturing used rods rather than reconditioned rods. Remanufactured rods are the most cost-effective products offered by TRC, performing better than new rods with a longer written warranty.
TRC built a new facility to manufacture Rod Guides in Midland, Texas. The facility is one of the largest in the United States with four rod guiding machines servicing its customer’s needs. Rod guide design, placement, and material selection are crucial for obtaining the best overall performance from the engineered system.
TRC established TRC Pumping Units, Inc., a new subsidiary that serves as a natural extension to the TRC Services brand. The new company was led by a core group of industry veterans determined to deliver the same high-value products and services that TRC was known for, with a focus on surface Pumping Units
TRC established a new subsidiary, TRC Valves, Inc. The company is focused on remanufacturing gas lift systems, utilizing patent pending proprietary designs. The company also manufactures new Gas Lift Systems and a patented Gas Lift Enhancement Tool (Super Sonic Tool) which improves gas lift efficiency while increasing production.